Posts in Lifestyle Tips
5 Healthy Holiday Nutrition Tips for You!

It may seem like such a nutritional disaster for a lot of people who end up deciding to give up entirely on the quest to eat healthy during the holidays, but there is a way to indulge in your favorite holiday meals and treats WITHOUT giving up on all your nutritional goals for 2 (or more) weeks straight!.

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Life is like a train

A beautiful analogy about life. A couple of years ago, my friend dropped the most brilliant metaphor I’d heard in ages — or have come across since.

He compared life to a journey by train. Not everyone will stay on your ride until the final stop. Some hop on. Some hop off. Occasionally, some hop back on, possibly more than once. But here’s what the real lesson of this all is.

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Does caffeine affect sugar cravings?

Having been suffering form chronic headaches a couple of weeks ago, I decided to remove coffee, and all other caffeinated beverages (such as teas) from my diet, as they would have been dehydrating my body when I actually needed to hydrate it to help it get rid of the headaches. Little did I know that completely removing caffeinated beverages from my life would have such a positive impact on the way that I feel!

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