5 Healthy Holiday Nutrition Tips for You!
Many of us will probably agree that the holiday season is basically one eating big booby trap! That starts with a plethora of glutenous meals and deserts at Christmas and ends with an alcohol feast for the New Year.
It may seem like such a nutritional disaster for a lot of people who end up deciding to give up entirely on the quest to eat healthy during the holidays. But there is a way to indulge in your favorite holiday meals and treats WITHOUT giving up on all your nutritional goals for 2 (or more) weeks straight!.
Don’t Skip Meals To Prep For A Big Dinner!
Skipping a meal with the goal of saving calories prior to a holiday dinner can often backfire and lead to overeating due to ravenous feelings of hunger. Having a filling lunch, or a healthy snack such as handful of nuts, can help to curb your appetite and prevent overeating.
Stay Hydrated So You Don’t Mistake Thirst For Hunger!
With all the food and alcohol happening, we often forget to drink enough water during the holidays, which could actually cause us to eat and drink more. That's because we often mistake the sensation of thirst for hunger. Not to mention failing to hydrate while drinking alcohol can cause you to drink more than you meant to and suffer a worse hangover. Avoid dehydration by drinking water throughout the day and refilling your glass during your holiday dinner.
Make A Healthy Food Swap (Like Sweet Potatoes For Mashed Potatoes)
There are so many ways to tweak classic holiday dishes in order to cut down on sugar and empty calories and amp up the nutrients. For example, consider swapping in vitamin A–rich sweet potatoes for white potatoes.
Fill Most Of Your Plate With Nutrient-Dense Foods!
Eating healthy during the holidays mainly all comes down to color: Your plate should have less brown and white and more rainbow, especially green! Fill up at least half your plate with vegetables (skipping the creamy offerings like green bean casserole). Then choose about a fist-size amount of protein and a modest number of complex carbs.
Only Eat the Foods That You Love- And Don’t Deprive Yourself!
When there's a table full of holiday food in front of you, you might find yourself eating certain dishes out of obligation, tradition, or sheer habit, but I encourage you to be more mindful about what we put in your body. If you aren’t sure sure you like something, don’t waste your time on it? Choose the foods that you love and indulge in them- 100% guilt free!