What is Ayurveda?
Why does it play an important role in my practice?
“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”
— ayurvedic proverb
Ayurveda describes the special relationship we have with the universe. It provides the roadmap that can lead us to perfect balance and harmony.
Ayur = Life/ Longevity
Veda= Science or Deep Knowledge
Ayurveda is considered to be the oldest healing science. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means “The Science of Life.” Ayurvedic knowledge originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and is often called the “Mother of All Healing.”
In Ayurveda, everything is personalized to your dominant dosha (mind/body constitution) from your recommended diet and movement to other lifestyle factors.
This ancient healing system places great emphasis on prevention and longevity, encouraging the maintenance of health through balance in one’s life; using the right thinking, diet, lifestyle and herbs.
Knowledge of Ayurveda enables us to understand how to create this balance of body, mind and consciousness according to our own individual constitution (our dosha) and how to make lifestyle changes to live a long, healthy and vibrant life.
The Five elements theory
Ayurveda bases its theory on the existence of five basic principles or building blocks, which are the basis of life of the whole universe (the macrocosm), as well as our body (the microcosm), and are known as the five great elements:
space/ether (ākāśa)
air/wind (vāyu)
fire (tejas)
water (jala)
earth (pṛthvī)
Without them, life is not possible. Everything that exists occupies:
Space: wind is identified with the movement, ie. pulse – a basic feature of life, fire: heat or the sun are an indispensable prerequisites like water and earth, also. The entire material universe that surrounds us is made by combining these elements in different proportions.
The 3 Doshas
Ayurvedic sages condensed these five principles into 3 constitutional types – doshas that govern our entire physiology.
Vata = Ether + Air
Pitta = Fire + Water
Kapha = Water + Earth
Most of the disorders in the body are caused by vitiated dosha or a doshic imbalance. Ayurvedic approach to health consists of holding the 3 doshas in balance, which is primarily achieved by abiding to Ayurvedic recommendations for a healthy life, including diet, and herbs as medicine, lifestyle and routines specific to your consitution