Private Yoga & Meditation Classes

This is Yoga

‘‘Yoga Citta Vritti Nirodha’’

Yoga is the stillness of the fluctuations of the mind. Y.S 1.2 Pantanjali

When we think about yoga, we generally think of the body, I’m here to tell you that it is much, much more than a physical practice.

Traditional Tantra Hatha Yoga is the science of self-empowerment.

Through this practice you will discover how to use these powerful and precise methods, to heal all aspects of your life while amplifying the potency of your yoga practice. 

With Tantra Hatha Yoga:

  • If you feel stuck physically, we work with the physical body to expand your experience and release any physical blockages. 

  • If you feel stuck emotionally, we work with your breath to expand your awareness of life and be in-tuned with your mind. 

  • If you’re looking for a deeper meaning, we work with meditation to extend the frontiers of apprehension beyond the material, and attain inner peace and liberation.

Child Pose

What it includes:

  • Personalized 90-minute yoga class with breath work and mediation, based on your dosha (body-mind constitution) and the areas that need balancing in your life.

  • Each session will start with a short assessment of your standing and struggles in life to better personalize the session to meet your specific needs and help you come back to balance.