What the heck does plant-based even mean?

If you don’t eat any animal products or dairy, then are you basically just eating salads all day? This is a question that I have been asked time and time again!

So I decided to write up this post and discuss a bit what a plant based diet actually is.

A healthy plant-based diet should consist of proper portions of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy protein, and healthy oils.

What does this look like?

1- 🥦The biggest part of your plate should be vegetables. The more veggies & the greater variety the better. French fries don’t count! (Sorry my friends).

2- 🥑Use a good amount o healthy fats. These include oils such as extra virgin olive oil, organic coconut oil, organic avocado oil, avoid trans fat and hydrogenated oils. Soaked nuts and seeds are also a great source of fat.

3- 🍚 Eat a variety of whole grains such as brown rice, millet, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, and avoid white flour, and white bread.

4- 🌰 Eat a good amount of healthy protein. Contrary to popular believes, vegetables and whole grains do contain good amount of proteins, but on top of that, legumes such as chickpeas and beans as well as lentils are great sources of protein. Avoid GMO ultra-processed foods.

5- 🍓Eat a moderate amount of fruits and try to go for low sugar fruits such as berries and citrus fruits.

One common mistake in this diet and in any diet in general is the lack of variety in food. Make sure you vary your foods!

Have you experimented with plant based foods already?